Dr. Franz Wirnsperger
Franz Wirnsperger, looks back on a 24 year international career for the Hilti Group in various CFO and CEO roles in Asia, US and Europe. From 2003-2013 he was Global Head of Finance (CFO) of the Hilti Group.
In 2013 he secured a sponsoring from the Hilti Group for the foundation of the Hilti Lab for Integrated Performance Management, a collaboration of the Hilti Group and the University of St. Gallen (HSG) which has since been prolonged several times, recently until 2023. The objective of the Lab is to improve the knowledge transfer between practice and science in the field of (corporate) performance management to accelerate innovation in this field and thereby cater to the increasing need for more agile performance management systems, given the increasing dynamic and complex (VUCA) environment of most companies nowadays.
Since the beginning in 2013 Franz Wirnsperger acts in a part time capacity as Director of the Hilti Lab at the Chair of Controlling/Performance Management of the University St. Gallen, managing the interface between science and practice with applied PhD research projects. In this period the Lab developed the Integrated Performance Management Framework, also known as St. Gallen Performance Management Model.
With NPM Franz Wirnsperger offers performance management consulting and coaching services to transfers his experiences and the insights form the development work at the Hilti Lab to other interested organizations. He also acts as lecturer in the executive education and serves as Chairman of the Telecom Liechtenstein.
Franz Wirnsperger earned a Master’s degree in Social and Economic Sciences at the Karl-Franzens-University in Graz and graduated as Doctor of Philosophy in Management at University of St.Gallen (Dr. oec. HSG).
Balischguadstrasse 9 I 9497 Triesenberg | Liechtenstein
T +423 794 65 70

Constantin Tornow
Constantin unites two passions in his work - change and modern performance management in organizations.
Aufgewachsen in einer Berliner Handwerkerfamilie zog es ihn bald raus in die Welt. Nach dem BWL Studium in Melbourne, Berlin, Oslo und Kiel fing er in der Pharmaindustrie bei der Schering AG in Berlin seine berufliche Laufbahn an. Nach zwei Jahren in der Konzernzentrale und zwei weiteren in Tochtergesellschaften in Indonesien und Australien brachte ihn sein persönliches Interesse an der Luftfahrt nach Toulouse. Mit einem MBA in Aerospace Management stieg er bei Eurocopter (heute Airbus) ein.
During his 17-year career in the Airbus Group with positions in supply chain management, industrial strategy and managerial functions in controlling, he experienced the limits of financial control systems using traditional planning and budgeting practices in a dynamic environment from the perspective of the practitioner and understands the resulting "pain points" on an individual, team and organizational level.
As a member of the core team of a large transformation program and as head of the Leadership & Culture Change function, he was able to learn how conventional change management practices fizzle out ineffectively, and which approaches can achieve a real impact in terms of increased performance.
Since the beginning of 2021, Constantin is working as Senior Expert and Coach together with Franz Wirnsperger to support companies with insights and coaching, to adapt their management and control systems to the increased dynamics in the environment in order to make them more agile with increased performance.
Besides work, he prefers to spend time with his family and enjoys time on the ski slopes whenever possible.
Constantin holds a degree in business administration from Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel and an MBA in Aerospace Management from Toulouse Business School.
Wellenburger Str. 43d | 86199 Augsburg | Deutschland
T +49 172 31 33 239